Home theater news and reviews | | TV industry turns blind eye to non-3D viewers When it comes to 3D television, a small but significant percentage of the population--4 percent to 10 percent, depending on which expert you ask--literally can't see it. But with 3D TVs coming out in force this year, what is the TV industry's response? Read more  Can't see 3D? Sound off in comments | | Big screens for the big game Just about every HDTV looks great displaying football and other sports in high-def, but there's one key ingredient that separates "great" HDTVs from those that make you say "Boom!" No, we're not talking about motion resolution, 1080p, or even black levels this time: we're talking about sheer size. Read more  Best HDTVs, 54 inches and larger | | Review: WowWee Cinemin Swivel Though its spec sheet doesn't quite measure up to that of competing pico projectors, the WowWee Cinemin Swivel's unique design and its inclusion of an adapter for iPhones and iPods make it an appealing choice. Read more  Check prices | | Review: Altec Lansing inMotion iM414v2 The Altec Lansing iM414 scores big with its classy, portable design, but comes up short on features and power. Read more  Check prices | | Crave | | CES 2010 proved that manufacturers are ready to sell 3D gear, but that doesn't necessarily mean that consumers are ready to buy it. The consumer electronics industry believes that the success of 3D movies like "Avatar" will get people pumped up for another upgrade cycle, but with plenty of people just getting HDTVs within the last few years, it's likely to be a tough sell. So, will you upgrade? Read more | | | | The Audiophiliac | | Now hear this: Audio at CES 2010 Posted by Steve Guttenberg I didn't go to CES, but a lot of my friends did. I call them all the time, and they don't seem to be all that jazzed about what they're seeing. "Nothing new" is what I keep hearing, but there were a few juicy tidbits to be found. Read more | More audiophilia | | | |
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